Apr 5, 2011

Redlands Stage 3 Criterium

I had my Headsweats alpine reversible beanie on.  A DeFeet baselayer. My DeFeet gloves and one of my new Hincapie team jackets.  I rolled up on my Specialized Amira to the team's meeting spot before heading down to the Redlands criterium on Saturday afternoon.

They must have thought I was nuts.

My crash on Friday wasn't super serious.  I didn't hit my head. I didn't break anything.  I have scabs across my "buns" and a huge bruise on my right hip.  M-C (our soigneur) treated me soon enough afterwards that I didn't even have whiplash symptoms in my neck.  But my back was still seized.  My body was a bit shaky.  I needed to be warm.  So I decked myself out.  It looked cool.  Maybe it was not appropriate for the high-20 degree weather amongst the palm trees in Redlands.  It made me feel good though.

 (Check out our new Hincapie kits...the Juvéderm-Specialized-Mazda red, blue and white stands out nicely in the pack! I'm 394)

I sat in the pack for the crit and planned to survive the day to be in the best shape possible for the final road race on Sunday.  The girls did a great job.  Joanie got 5th in the sprint finish despite a crash into the barriers during the race, and Denise Ramsden scored a nice prime sprint.  I had a huge smile on my face when I heard her name over the loudspeakers!  Go team!


  1. Awesome kit. Awesome team!!
    Does Hincapie sell direct to us mere cycling mortals?

  2. Hincapie is for everyone! I bought my first Hincapie jersey 3 or 4 years ago. Check out their stuff at www.hincapie.com.
